Blockchain for Business Course | 365 Financial Analyst


Do you want to be part of the next digital revolution? This Blockchain for Business course covers the fundamentals of blockchain technology and crypto. Start now!


What You’ll Learn

Our online Blockchain course will prepare you for all the exciting opportunities the blockchain technology is opening up. It is the go-to-guide for everyone who want to know what blockchain is, how it works, and what its practical applications are. The Blockchain course is designed in an engaging and accessible way and delivered by an expert in the field. It is not highly technical and does not involve writing code. We provide simple explanations, lots of real-life examples, and case studies. So, even without a technical or financial background, you will find the course very straightforward and useful.

  • Cut through all the noise and speculation about blockchain
  • Learn the fundamentals of the technology behind crypto-currencies, how it can be applied in different sectors, and why it is called “the internet of money”
  • Understand what makes blockchain the hottest field in the tech industry and why it could change the world
  • Help you make educated decisions related to blockchain and take advantage of its massive applications in business and everyday life
  • Develop solid fundamental understanding of the inner workings of blockchain with detailed explanations of mining, decentralized consensus, cryptography, smart contracts, and many other concepts
  • Understand popular and important blockchain projects and crypto-assets

What’s included