Advanced System Security Design Specialization



This specialization is intended for intermediate level learners with basic programming skills and basic cybersecurity knowledge. Through this course learner will learn about advanced secure software techniques such as those for cloud computing, TOR, web-based cryptography, and geo-location/context based access control. With these techniques, learners will be better prepared to implement new security and privacy preserving data security features, to perform secure system design and implementation, vulnerability analysis, and Securely Provision (SP), Operate and Maintain (OM), Oversee and Govern (OV), Protect and Defend (PR), Analyze (AN), Collect and Operate (CO), and investigate (IN) tasks.

With high available AWS load balancing cluster project, the learners apply the knowledge and skills of cloud computing security to demonstrate the abilities to create high available secure systems; with anonymous TOR browser and hidden server project, the learners apply the knowledge and skills of security and privacy in censorship resistance systems to protect the anonymity of the users or servers; with secure geo-coding project, the learners apply apply the knowledge and skills of RBAC/ABAC and context-aware access controls to implement secure data delivery service using web crypto and geolocaiton API.

What’s included