Business English: Final Project



A common necessity among business professionals who are new to an international work environment is the ability to create a plan of action to launch a new product. In this task, one has to communicate with many different departments within a company including finance and marketing. In this capstone project, you will create a plan of action to launch a new product. This plan will include:

· A project status report
· A copy of the marketing campaign
· A basic budget analysis for the project
· A short presentation for upper management with details on the project’s status

This project will give you the opportunity to apply your English skills learned in the courses to develop a useful document for your current job or a document that you could use as an example to demonstrate your new abilities and skills.

What you will learn

Week 1 CEO, CFO, and CMO

All Executives Produce Same Deliverables in Week 1

Week 2 CEO / CFO / CMO Deliverables

CEO Track, CFO Track, CMO Track Lessons and Assignments

Week 3 CEO / CFO / CMO Deliverables

CEO Track, CFO Track, CMO Track Lessons and Assignments

Week 4 CEO / CFO / CMO Deliverables

CEO Track, CFO Track, CMO Track Lessons and Assignments

What’s included