Become an EMT Specialization



Health care is an exciting and ever growing profession that can take you many different directions. You can apply the fundamentals you learn here about emergent patient care, stabilization, and disease processes toward becoming an EMT or further health care pursuits. In this specialization you will learn to care for stable and unstable patients before they get to a hospital, how to identify time sensitive diseases, and medical and traumatic conditions that affect both adults and pediatric patients.
Course 1 ensures you can assess a scene and prepare to provide care, understand the framework for patient assessment, history of emergency medical services, and the personal requirements to be an EMT. Course 2 addresses airway, breathing and circulation, medications and medication administration that EMTs are allowed to provide, and how to identify a patient having a stroke or diabetic emergency. Course 3 covers skills related to high performance CPR or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, toxicology, and wilderness emergency medicine. Course 4 offers skills for trauma emergencies and Course 5 focuses pregnancy, infants and pediatrics.
Essential skills are demonstrated throughout the specialization. Finally, apply the course materials to real patient scenarios in the Capstone to help prepare you for national registry testing. For more information regarding educational requirements for licensure in U.S. states or U.S. territories see FAQ below.

On each courses, learners will learn and work through multiple patient scenarios that challenge them to apply the concepts and skills they have learned to patient scenarios. On the capstone projects, learners will apply and summarize everything that they have learnt from course 1 to 5 on three patient scenarios that are similar to what they will experience when taking the national registry exam.

What’s included