Design Thinking Specialization



In this Specialization, you will master design thinking competencies in an engaging hands-on, project-based format. We will guide you through a detailed 14-Step process where you will tackle a human-centered problem that you want to solve. You will learn and practice all of the most important tools from the field of human-centered design to generate ideas and connect with your customers on a human level. You will then deepen your practice by taking an in-depth journey through six key phases of the design thinking process, from immersion to learning-in-action, and explore the shifts in mindsets and skillsets that accompany them.

Using a 14-Step process, you will apply concepts and complete deliverables related to a project of your choosing, using it to practice a series of important tools to generate and test ideas and achieve your project goals. You will also create a Personal Development Plan (PDP) that will deepen your design competencies by guiding your personal journey through six key phases of design thinking.

What’s included