Understand end-customers business drivers and business requirements for the cloud. Learn about cloud services considerations, how to support business requirements with the Intel® portfolio, and the M’s of the cloud transformation journey.
This course is part of the Intel® Cloud Business Professional Specialization. Completion of specialization offers a badge via Credly.
● Building Business Value in a Modern Data Platform: This lesson describes what a modern data platform is and the value when adopting a cloud forward or cloud first business model. (Duration: 16 minutes)
● The “M’s” of Cloud Transformation: In this lesson Intel and Intel’s partner, CloudGenera, describe the 6 “Ms” of cloud transformation and how these strategies allow an enterprise to develop the most effective cloud infrastructure.. (Duration: 15 minutes)
● Business Success with Cloud Native on Intel® Architecture: This lesson discusses how Intel® architecture is differentiated and provides business value in a cloud native world. (Duration: 22 minutes)
● Successful Cloud Deployments using Intel® Optimizations: This lesson describes areas where Intel Optimizations help improve cloud deployments and solution performance. (Duration: 25 minutes)