International Law in Action explains the functions of each international court and tribunal present in The Hague, and it looks at how these institutions address contemporary problems. On the basis of selected cases, and through interviews with judges and lawyers, you will explore the role of these courts and tribunals and their potential to contribute to global justice.
The first module of the course will investigate how judicial settlement is different from other more political forms of dispute settlement, such as negotiation and mediation. It offers a brief historical overview and introduces the judicial and arbitral bodies based in The Hague. In the remaining modules you will learn about the functions of these courts and tribunals, and some of the challenges and prospects that they face. Three cross-cutting themes tie together all of these modules: (i) The interaction between law and politics; (ii) The continuing role of State consent; and (iii) The ability of international courts and tribunals to protect the public interest and global values.
This course offers you an opportunity to gain a better insight into the functions and features of the courts and tribunals present in The Hague. You will gain a familiarity with each court or tribunal. You will develop realistic expectations of their capacity to address contemporary problems and an awareness of their limitations. You will also be able to discuss some of their most prominent cases.
If you would like to have a better understanding of international law in action in The Hague, this is definitely the course for you!
This course is free to join and to participate in. There is the possibility to get a verified certificate for the course, which is a paid option. If you want a certificate, but are unable to pay for it, you can request financial aid via Coursera
What you will learn
An introduction to the International Courts and Tribunals in The Hague
Welcome to this first week in which we will enter the world of the international judiciary with you. We will discuss the evolution of international dispute settlement in our international legal order. The leading question is: why did people start thinking about creating international courts? We will also introduce the community of international courts present in The Hague today.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ)
This week we are going to explore the principle judicial organ of the United Nations—the International Court of Justice. This Court has dual functions as an institution that settles disputes between States, and as an advice giver within the UN system. We will explore the limitations that the Court faces in its fulfilment of these functions as well as its potential as an institution, particularly in the context of disputes involving the protection of the environment. From this week onwards, you will also be able to start working on the peer assignment. All relevant information with regard to the peer assignment can be find below. We look forward to reading how you view the future of the international courts and tribunals in The Hague!
The Arbitration of International Disputes
This week, we will explore the world of international arbitration. More specifically, we will focus on the Permanent court of arbitration, inter-state arbitration and investor-state arbitration. Through our videos, you will discover the history and characteristics of arbitration and you will understand how its functioning is impacted by the dynamics at play within the international and domestic societies. You will also come to realize the importance of public interests in the disputes settled through arbitration and you will learn how they are taken into account in international arbitration.
International Criminal Courts and Tribunals
This week examines a relatively new type of international courts, namely international criminal courts, with a focus on the ICC. We will discuss ongoing cases and debates, including sensitive issues such as the prosecution of sitting Heads of States. We will also inquire whether the international community is in need of a new dedicated international terrorism tribunal.