Qualitative Research Methods


In this course you will be introduced to the basic ideas behind the qualitative research in social science. You will learn about data collection, description, analysis and interpretation in qualitative research. Qualitative research often involves an iterative process. We will focus on the ingredients required for this process: data collection and analysis.

You won’t learn how to use qualitative methods by just watching video’s, so we put much stress on collecting data through observation and interviewing and on analysing and interpreting the collected data in other assignments.
Obviously, the most important concepts in qualitative research will be discussed, just as we will discuss quality criteria, good practices, ethics, writing some methods of analysis, and mixing methods.
We hope to take away some prejudice, and enthuse many students for qualitative research.

What you will learn

Philosophy of Qualitative Research

Welcome to the first week of the course. We start with an introduction, followed by two lessons on the Philosophy of Qualitative Research.


In the first module we discussed the philosophy of qualitative research, explaining some basic notions and general philosophical approaches. In this second module we’ll discuss observation as an important method within qualitative research. What types of observation are there? How do we observe? And how do we analyse and describe our data?

Good Practices & Criteria

What makes qualitative research ‘good’ is a rather difficult question. Different criteria are suggested, but within the field of qualitative research there is not much agreement on these criteria. However, there is quite some agreement on what good practices of qualitative research are. In this module we will start in lesson 1 with a discussion of good practices of qualitative research.

Qualitative Interviewing

In this module we’ll look at what a qualitative interview entails by trying to define it and by discussing different forms of interviewing behaviour.

What’s included