Research Methodologies



This course focuses on research methodologies. In this vein, the focus will be placed on qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, sampling approaches, and primary and secondary data collection. The course begins with a discussion on qualitative research approaches, looking at focus groups, personal interviews, ethnography, case studies and action research. We will also discuss quantitative research methods with a focus on experimental research design and survey methodology. There will be an exploration of the sampling design process and different sampling approaches, including probability and non-probability sampling as well as sample size and non-response issues. We will look at the nature and scope of primary and secondary data, and the importance of measurement. We will look at the role of the Internet in market research as well as non-comparative scaling techniques. The course ends with a discussion on different data collection approaches, with a focus on observation, content analysis, narrative research, phenomenology, and the collection of data using ethnography.

What’s included