Training and Learning Online



Have you considered completing online training programmes and courses? Or perhaps you have to work online for your studies and you are not sure how to do it?

Learning online is very different from face-to-face learning, as it often involves independent study and a different set of skills. On this course, you will develop effective online learning strategies that work for you, whether you are learning for work, leisure or for your studies, so that you can make the most of it.
– You will discover how to learn from different media, and acquire practical skills like note-taking and how to reflect on your learning so that you can draw meaningful conclusions.
– You will learn how to communicate online so that you can contribute to online learning discussions.
– You will find out about online collaboration tools and practice the skills you need to be able to manage productive collaborative work online.
– The course also explores best practice for conducting online research, using online research tools and evaluating online information.
By the end of the course, you will have learnt essential study techniques and skills. These will help you to learn effectively online, as part of developing your knowledge, skills, training or continuing professional development.

What’s included