Understanding Violence



We are so pleased to have you join us as we investigate this crucial topic.

Violence is a leading cause of death, disability and health care use worldwide. Violence is a complex problem and can only be understood and reduced though a multidisciplinary approach.
This course introduces you to experts who study different forms of violence and we will discuss the various causes of violence. You will also learn about efforts to reduce violence and engage in a day of compassion.
We are very fortunate that PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER is participating in our course. He delivers a lecture on the efforts of the Carter Center to end violence around the world, and he engages in a discussion with us about his life and work in human rights.
Do join us for short videos, readings and discussions. And also see our coffee chats, where we (Pamela and Deb) summarize and reflect on each module.
And we want to hear from you! Feel free to reach out via Twitter or through the course, or through our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/understandingviolence01/.

What you will learn

Overview of Violence

We begin the course by defining violence and discussing why violence can be difficult to identify and measure. We will review the rates of violence in the U.S. and globally.

Types of Violence

The following videos will help learners become familiar with specific types of violence, including intimate partner violence, suicide, sexual violence, youth violence including cyber-bullying, child maltreatment, elder maltreatment, and gang violence.

Biological, Social, & Psychological Contributors of Violence

In this module we identify what environmental features increase likelihood for violence in individuals and take a look at the associations with substance use and violence. Learners have a chance to review theories around biological and genetic predispositions and responses to violence. Finally, we examine religious perspectives and issues around violence.

Consequences of Violence

We begin this module reviewing the psychological effects of violence including PTSD, depression, and suicidality. Then we assess the economic impact of violence and injuries. We will explore violence in relation to the criminal justice system, and recognize the long-term impact of sexual violence in wartime.

What’s included