Linguistic Diversity, What for?



What is linguistic diversity? What are its implications and opportunities? How is diversity around the world? How is it experienced, understood and managed in different contexts? What is your knowledge and experience about languages and diversity?

In this course we approach linguistic diversity and multilingualism not only from a theoretical point of view, but also from a perspective oriented to help understand and manage various contexts that emerge from diversity in different environments of social interaction.
The contents will cover aspects related to the conceptual and legal frameworks and to specific cases of linguistic diversity. You are invited to enrich these contents with your contribution.
Through this course, we hope to create a platform of sharing and discussion in order to enrich all participants’ knowledge, open perspectives and encourage the defense and promotion of linguistic diversity.
You can see the promotional video of the course at this link:
Join us!
This course has been designed by Linguapax International, with the support of the Department of Culture and the Department of Foreign Action, Institutional Relations and Transparency of the Catalan Government and with the collaboration of the UNESCO Chair in Linguistic and Cultural Diversity of the Institute of Catalan Studies.

What you will learn

Language Diversity: What for?

This course offers a wide panorama of linguistic diversity. It deals with aspects related to the conceptual and legal frameworks and explores different fields in which linguistic diversity matters, diverse perspectives to approach the issue and questions that arise. It also presents practices of language revitalization, promotion of multilingualism, and innovative and creative enterprises dealing with linguistic diversity. It is oriented to help understand and manage various contexts that emerge from linguistic diversity in different environments of social interaction. Finally, it intends to create a community of linguistic diversity promoters who share ideas and experiences to constantly broaden their horizons.

Linguistic Diversity in the World: Introduction and Transversal Perspectives

Contextualization of the notion of ‘linguistic diversity’: historical evolution, elements that integrate it, geographies (territories and human displacements), transformations in legal, social and educational sensitivity; international framework (legal movements and instruments) and digital environment.

Languages and territories of Origin

Language communities in territories of origin. Geographical and historical panorama of linguistic diversity in the different territories with references to revitalization practices.

People Movements and Linguistic Diversity

Moving languages: changes in linguistic dynamics, new challenges in the interpretation and management of linguistic diversity.

Language Revitalization

What is language revitalization, what is it for, how to promote it, what questions and challenges it generates and what results can be expected from it.

What’s included