Managing Conflicts on Projects with Cultural and Emotional Intelligence


What you’ll learn

  • Social worlds in the context of programs and projects.
  • Cultural intelligence and the four steps.
  • Emotional intelligence and its five components.
  • How to utilize cultural intelligence and emotional intelligence concepts to increase the effectiveness of your program or project management communication.
  • How to utilize the CMM tools to diagnose and manage communication problems.

Every program and project has a social world. The program managers, project managers, project teams, and stakeholders mutually agree on roles and interact based on those roles.

Great program managers sense, manage, and influence the social worlds across their projects. They bring order and understanding through conflict management and conflict resolution. Success is not guaranteed, and often teams clash as a new social order is established on every project. They heal divides that can grow under the stress of projects and increase the team’s problem solving ability.

Dr. Pearce, the inventor of the Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM), explains the social world as a “dance between the two faces of the communication process: coordinating actions and making/managing meaning. A social world is the site where speech acts, episodes and forms of communication, selves and forms of consciousness, and relationships and minds are made.”

Our cultural differences and emotions significantly shape our social worlds.

The program and project manager with good emotional intelligence and cultural intelligence (EI/CI) can better understand and navigate the social worlds of the project team and the stakeholders. High EI/CI also aids in creating understanding in program/project management communications. A program manager or project manager with high EI/CI is more adept at creating understanding because they are self-aware while understanding other’s emotions.Thus, the program manager or project manager can test if the recipient of his or her communication has the requisite know-what, know-how, and know-why understanding of the intended messages.

What’s included

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