MOS Transistors


PLEASE NOTE: This version of the course has been formed from an earlier version, which was actively run by the instructor and his teaching assistants. Some of what is mentioned in the video lectures and the accompanying material regarding logistics, book availability and method of grading may no longer be relevant to the present version. Neither the instructor nor the original teaching assistants are running this version of the course. There will be no certificate offered for this course.

Learn how MOS transistors work, and how to model them. The understanding provided in this course is essential not only for device modelers, but also for designers of high-performance circuits.

What you will learn

About This Course and Overview of the MOS Transistor

Welcome to the “MOS Transistors” course! We are very excited to be able to offer this course, and are looking forward to working with you.

Preliminaries and Background
The Two-Terminal and Three-Terminal MOS Structures
The Long-Channel MOS Transistor – Part 1

This is the first module we are dealing with the complete transistor; much of this material, as well as next module’s material, will form the core of what we will be covering in the rest of the course. We hope you will spend extra time studying to make sure you understand this material in depth. The total viewing time in each of these two modules is shorter, which should help.

The Long-Channel MOS Transistor – Part 2

This material concludes the lectures on the long-channel transistor in DC operation. As mentioned earlier, these lectures will form the core on which many of our subsequent discussions will be based.

What’s included