Strategic Leadership: Impact, Change, and Decision-Making Specialization



If you’re ready to hone your leadership skills and grow as a person, Strategic Leadership: Impact, Change, and Decision-Making for Work and Life is designed for you, whether you’re a manager or an individual contributor.
Through four courses with Sydney Finkelstein, the Steven Roth Professor of Management at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, you will learn the common mistakes that even smart executives make, the neuroscience behind effective decision making, methods of managing and supporting the people around you, and how to bring together all these lessons to be the best possible leader, and person, at work and at home.

There’s no one applied learning project in Strategic Leadership: Impact, Change, and Decision-Making, because the specialization is the applied learning project. Throughout each of the courses, frequent integrated application exercises offer the opportunity to immediately use Professor Finkelstein’s teachings to solve your own real-world challenges in real time. These unique exercises are personalized, practical, and—if done with serious intent—will pay off in more ways than you can imagine.

What’s included