This course will evaluate best practices in transportation networks, thoroughfares, and streetscape designs for the effective movement of people, goods, and services in a region. Sustainable public and private streetscape design and application will be reviewed and evaluated for applications for sustainable cities. Considerations are assessed for smart urban planning, growth, and lifestyle. Strategies for creating equitable, healthy, and sustainable communities are also evaluated.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
1. Survey and evaluate thoroughfare network considerations for connectivity, block size and sidewalk interaction.
2. Compare different complete street design options for application in smart growth planning.
3. Evaluate sidewalk design and planning strategies for public and private sidewalks to include street tree configurations and street light design.
4. Examine issues of water management with specialized curb design, ground water recharge areas and swales as part of the streetscape design and planning.
5. Identify and evaluate the differences between free-flow, slow-flow, and yield-flow thoroughfare design concepts.
6. Assess and evaluate smart urban planning, growth, and lifestyle indicators.
The target audience for this course includes:
– Government Officials involved planning, designing, monitoring, enforcement, and assessment of sustainable project developments at the local, state, and federal level.
– Private sector companies in the transportation and municipal design and construction business
– Architects interested in advancing sustainable concepts for cities and communities
– Foundations, associations, and other NGOs that support smart growth strategies
– Academic faculty and students studying and researching community sustainability and resilience
– Private citizens interested in improving their communities and living conditions